I'm trying a whole bunch of really fun Seventh Generation products and I love them all. I resolved to go more and more natural in 2013 and adding Seventh Generation products is part of my resolution. This company makes it easy to do and fun. If you want to try products and share your opinions and even coupons with your friends check out Smiley360.com
Seventh Generation
Formerly Coupon Sweeper. I used to provide printable coupons but then I noticed that you can get those anywhere. Why get a discount when you can GET IT FREE? Lots of sites offer things that are "free" and they aren't really free, like "you pay the shipping" or "accept our partners offers". Bollucks! Balderdash! I have made it my mission to test these sites myself and you won't hear a thing about them until I have received my incentive and/or free merchandise.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Palmolive Soft Touch Dish Liquid
I am now testing Palmolive Soft Touch Dish Liquid, and as a lifelong Dawn user, I have to say, It would be hard to get me to change, but Palmolive is pretty impressive. I remember trying some of their soap a few years ago and not being impressed but they have really improved their product. It cuts through grease, smells great, looks attractive, and doesn't ruin my manicure. I have just started using it, but so far I have to say, I might consider making the switch.
By the way, I got to try it free thanks to influenster.com and they even sent an extra bottle for a friend. #Influenster
Friday, May 24, 2013
"Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum" Week 3 I can't believe it!
I Bloggettes! I just wanted to check in with a mid-campaign update on my Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum trial. I have to admit, when I started this, I didn't think that there was any such thing as a topical, natural serum that I could simply swipe onto my lashes and they would grow like magic.
Now, having been using it twice a day for three weeks, I have to tell you, THERE IS AN, ALL NATURAL, SERUM THAT YOU CAN SWIPE ON YOUR LASH LINE THAT CAN MAKE YOUR LASHES GROW LIKE MAGIC! Here's a picture of my lashes before
Here is a similar picture three weeks later. Remember, I got to try this free as a product influenster, and you can join in on the fun at no cost to you. I know everyone says that, but this is really just fun, free, and string free.
Well It is time for my newest installment of the my Fysiko Lashes Experience Project! (Hows that for a title?!) I have to say I am blown away by this product. You know I will never endorse a product that I don't think is any good. I admit that I didn't expect this stuff to work and was very pleasantly surprised when, in about two weeks, my lashes had already grown enough that it was noticeable to me and to friends and family. My Nanny has always had the shortest eyelashes and she vowed to buy some Fysiko in order to check "Have eyelashes" off of her bucket list. (Yes she's serious!) There's not much more to say. Check out the progression with this newest picture. (I took it today)
Check out Fysiko Here
Check here for reviews (come on. Who buys anything without checking out the reviews!?)

Saturday, May 11, 2013
Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum

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