Thursday, February 28, 2013

What am I testing this week?

So this week I'm testing and I have a campaign going with Smiley360 for Children's Mucinex, but although I was notified that I would be receiving either a sample or full size product a few weeks ago, it still has not been shipped. I do believe they are legit and will ship it, just takes awhile, however before I put them on my official recommend list, I will wait to get the product. One plus with them is that they give digital coupons to share and we know how much I love coupons ;-) I just joined It was the second time I have joined, actually. Initially when I signed up, something happened and I was unable to ever get back into my account, so I just rejoined. To get in with these guys you have to go to the site and request an invite. What are they looking for? They want to see that you have some social influence. Do you have Facebook, youtube, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.? I haven't been offered a campaign yet but that's because I'm brand new. I will let you know how it goes. In the mean time, if you have personal experience with either of these sites that you would like to share, please feel free! In other news 1. I got my full size trial of Garnier Fructis Triple Moisture Miracle Dry Oil. Very exciting! I will have a review posted sometime in the next week or two. 2. I am still testing and LOVING Shick Hydro Silk razor 3. Still Testing Kroger Greek, Greek light, and CarbMaster yogurt 4. Still testing and LOVING Glade Expressions Oil Diffusers and Fragrance Sprays. BTW, THIS ONE IS BY FAR MY FAVE!!! 5. Awaiting more products but we will be moving cross-country this weekend, so I won't be posting for those days. I will miss you invisible, silent readers! Dont forget to friend me on Facebook! I am adding the button to the blog today! Sincerely, Dana K

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Kroger Greek Greek Light and CarbMaster Yogurts FROZEN!

If you are dieting like me; you already know that the most daunting challenge you face, on a daily basis, is the food cravings! For me its two things: Cheese and Ice-cream. I haven't really conquered the cheese yet. I just try to stay full, but I keep cheating with the cheese, so I am grateful to have discovered a way to have my cake and eat it too when it comes to my old friend ice-cream. You can do this with Greek, Greek Light, or Kroger CarbMaster. I like the texture of frozen Greek yogurt, but I love the dessert flavors of Kroger CarbMaster. Here's how I turn my favorite Carrot Cake CarbMaster yogurt into instant easy ice-cream. Are you ready for this? Step 1: Take 1 or more Kroger CarbMaster yogurt in desired flavor and place, in container, without opening, into the freezer. Step 2: Close the freezer door. Step 3: Open and eat! Heck! have 2!! That's seriously all there is to it. Sometimes I like to slice up some fruit and scoop my fro-yo into a bowl for the kiddos. It's a family fave! Thanks again Bzzagent! #GotitFree

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I'm a Agent and it's paying off

What is all this you ask? Well these are just a few of the hundreds of products that swag is giving away free. What's the catch? There isn't one! What a revaluation! Some companies are actually realizing that the best way to get the word out about their brand and their newest products is to give them away and let us tell the world for them. We want to try it free, and they want to save millions of dollars on advertisement by having us spread the word. With Facebook, twitter, blogs, etc, we are the most powerful marketing tool they have. Why is it believable? Because we are actually doing them the favor, not the other way around. I am a big skeptic of anything that claims to be free, so I made it my mission to check these freebie sites out and share the real ones. I'm doing this out of a passion that I have for trying free stuff. I am not a rich person, or a company, or anything like that. I consider myself a novice blogger/product tester/finder of free stuff. It took me years to weed out the garbage and get to the real deal. I kept seeing things posted by friends about getting free stuff only to follow the bogus link to a site that forced me through a million pages of survey questions, or "join our products", or whatever. I remember going through pages of partner offers for over an hour and then giving up. Why should I go through all that? So, I looked up some of the top, legit, product testing sites, spent a year finding the very very few legit ones, and promised not to share them with you until I have received the products or incentives offered. Here's what I've found and how I've found it. 1. I wrote to the top product offering sites and let them know that I am writing this blog and will gladly shout their praises from the digital mountain top! 2. It took a couple of weeks, but I started to get responses from the admins of some of the sites. 3. Bzzagent got in touch and let me know how they work and what I needed to do. I did it, and the products started arriving. I took short surveys (less than 5 minutes each) a couple of times a week to let them know what kind of products I'm interested in. They sent me a full size product and let me spread the word, in less than a week I got another product! A month later, I receive a product about once a week or more. 4. I joined and did what they told me to do. I have been a member now for a couple of months and have built a following on their site by following other members Twitter style. I told them what products I wanted to try and waited patiently. No surveys, no nonsense, just a little bit of a wait and then came the free product trials! 5. Smiley 360 never responded to me but did offer me a free product, within a few days of joining. I am waiting for it to arrive now. Unlike and they don't have a way for you to track your package, so when it arrives I will let you know but until then I am not greenlighting this one for you yet. I have a few more things in the works as we speak, but my progress will slow down a bit because we are moving across the country in the next week or so (waiting on good ole tax refunds) Again, if you have anything to add, or a site you want me to check out, let me know! Smooches! Dana W

Monday, February 18, 2013

25 books you MUST read if you loved the Hunger Games

I'm working on this list as we speak, so let me know if you have anymore to add. I loved that the first one I saw was my favorite book from childhood "The Giver". I don't care how old you are, you owe it to yourself to read this brilliant cautionary tale, set in a possible future. In our pursuit of health, safety and perfection, will we lose our humanity? It's a question that many a brilliant mind are asking. How do I know this? You see it popping up in books over time, gaining in popularity because its in the back of our minds. What does the future hold? Will fear eventually turn us into monsters and heroes?

Sunday, February 17, 2013

I recently joined this community. They are similar to (which btw if you haven't joined yet you are crazy!) They have sent me a smiley kit with a free trial of Mucinex for Children. This makes Smiley360 number two on my best sites for freebies! Sign up here and don't forget to stop by and tell me what your impressions are . I will post some pics when I get the smiley kit. This is pretty exciting! I just got my Bzzkit with my three full size boxes of Nescafe coffees in Mocha, Cappuccino, and Carmel latte #GotitFree I have my free full size Garnier Fructis Triple Moisture Miracle Dry Oil and coupons coming any day now and I am expecting my Smileykit with the full size children's Mucinex. All in all it's a good week! What did you get this week? If you email me pictures I will post them to my blog :-)

Friday, February 15, 2013

Schick Hydro Silk Razor: Whats so great about it?

So I have been raving about my new Schick Hydro Silk razor, that I received free from (If you haven't checked them out yet, you might be crazy ;-), "but seriously, what is all the hype about?" You ask me. Well its similar to razors like Venus in design, but I like the handle better. It's just easier to grip. However, grip isn't everything is it? What really sets the Schick Hydro Silk razor apart from cousins like Venus, is the unique moisture serum surrounding the blades. Like I said before, we have all tried the razors that have the lovely lotion around the blade. The first couple of shaves are great, but then, inevitably, the nice lotion bar dries out, cracks, and falls off, long before you are ready to change the super expensive blade. The Schick Hydro Silk razor has a much better design. Instead of a lotion bar surrounding the blades, there is smooth plastic with little bitty holes in it that react to water and release the magic moisture serum. I don't know what's in it, but I do know that it works! I shaved my legs this morning. It is now evening, and my legs still feel smooth and hydrating. Another big thanks to Bzzagent for letting me try this product! #GotitFree

Sunday, February 10, 2013

One of my new freebie friends: Freebie Shark I just recently friended these guys on Facebook. They have a lot to offer and a full staff where this page has only me :-) I recommend friending them on Facebook or Twitter. Several times a day they add deals, coupons, and great freebies! They don't personally give out the freebies. They watch the web and tell you which manufacturers are giving their products away free or sampling.

Kroger CARBmaster milk and yogurt and Kroger Greek and Greek Light yogurt

I had the pleasure of product testing Kroger CARBmaster milk and yogurt and Kroger Greek and Greek Light yogurt from What a fantastic experience! I have since then, been back to the store for more. I think my family is addicted. I knew that Kroger made high quality products, so I was expecting greatness already, but I didn't know how good these products were for my family and I. I wouldn't say I'm lactose intolerant, but the older I get, the more sensitive my digestive systems seems to get. I haven't really done the milk thing in a couple of years. If I do consume milk it's usually coconut or almond milk. I was impressed not just by the taste of Kroger CARBmster vanilla milk, but by the nutritional value. With benefits like low amounts of sugar and more protein than Almond milk, and being lactose free, Kroger CARBmaster milk is a great option for me. The kids and I enjoyed the Kroger Greek yogurt. I had never had Greek yogurt before. I was really pleasantly surprised by the flavor and texture. At first I wasn't sure if I liked it or not, but I actually wound up loving the Honey flavored Greek yogurt. The kids favor the Blueberry flavor with awesome chunks of real blueberries. So, check it out if you get a chance and feel free to leave me a comment about what you think :-)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Glade Expressions Pineapple & Mangosteen Oil Diffuser and Starlit Evening Fragrance Spray in all of their awesomeness sent me coupons for a free trial of Glade Expressions Collection Oil Diffuser and a Fragrance spray. I chose Pineapple & Mangosteen for the oil diffuser and Starlit Evening for the fragrance spray. I have to admit, I am partial to the oil diffuser. I put it in the largest room in my house and it filled the room with a warm, tropical fragrance within minutes. The scent is so soothing and warm that it really transforms the space. I thought, "Hmm. I wonder if this thing could warm up my kids' stinky bathroom." So, I put the oil diffuser to the test. Folk, at this very moment, it is in that bathroom conquering the stinkyness of having 2 children in potty training in one small room. The fragrance spray is more subtle. The smell itself doesn't last as long as I would like it to, but I have to give Glad a lot of credit because it does exactly what it is supposed to do. It annihilates the odor in the room. We have 2 rats, and they are great family members, but they are stinky guys. The fragrance spray smells nice, and neutralizes their ratty musk. All in all, I highly recommend the Glade Expressions line, but if I had to pick.......hands down the oil diffuser. You need one. Trust me. ;-) #GotitFree

Sunday, February 3, 2013

I got my free Schick Hydro Silk product test this weekend. I didn't have time to jump in the shower this morning, so my new razor had the challenge of taking on legs and underarms with a sink and a time limit. Let me tell you, there is not a razor bump in sight, my skin is smooth and silky, and I am happy. I have been a long time user of Venus razors, and I really didn't know what I was missing. All I knew was that I loved them for the first couple of shaves, and then things would really start to go down hill. The lotion bars were gooey and slimy, and didn't really leave my skin feeling smooth or soft. Worst of all they cost a fortune because the blades constantly have to be replaced. Schick Hydro Silk razors are designed differently. Instead of the blades being surrounded in goo or lotion bars that dry out, crack and fall off, prompting me to change the blade out, Schick Hydro Silk has smooth plastic surrounding the blade, with tiny holes that react to water to create a smooth glide, and a comfortable shave. I was immediately impressed by how soft my underarms and legs felt right after using this razor. I strongly recommend that you try it out !! If you want to try new products and give your opinion, become a Bzzagent!