Friday, February 15, 2013

Schick Hydro Silk Razor: Whats so great about it?

So I have been raving about my new Schick Hydro Silk razor, that I received free from (If you haven't checked them out yet, you might be crazy ;-), "but seriously, what is all the hype about?" You ask me. Well its similar to razors like Venus in design, but I like the handle better. It's just easier to grip. However, grip isn't everything is it? What really sets the Schick Hydro Silk razor apart from cousins like Venus, is the unique moisture serum surrounding the blades. Like I said before, we have all tried the razors that have the lovely lotion around the blade. The first couple of shaves are great, but then, inevitably, the nice lotion bar dries out, cracks, and falls off, long before you are ready to change the super expensive blade. The Schick Hydro Silk razor has a much better design. Instead of a lotion bar surrounding the blades, there is smooth plastic with little bitty holes in it that react to water and release the magic moisture serum. I don't know what's in it, but I do know that it works! I shaved my legs this morning. It is now evening, and my legs still feel smooth and hydrating. Another big thanks to Bzzagent for letting me try this product! #GotitFree

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