Formerly Coupon Sweeper. I used to provide printable coupons but then I noticed that you can get those anywhere. Why get a discount when you can GET IT FREE? Lots of sites offer things that are "free" and they aren't really free, like "you pay the shipping" or "accept our partners offers". Bollucks! Balderdash! I have made it my mission to test these sites myself and you won't hear a thing about them until I have received my incentive and/or free merchandise.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Help Me Name a Juice Bar and I Will Be Your Best Friend! ;-)
Hey Friends!
My employer is opening a juice bar and has made your faithful bloggie (That's Me) the manager! I know! Fun :-D
I would like to have a little help from you on deciding on the name, and a couple of creative concepts. Please follow this link
Click Here to take survey to take the survey.
I promise it will only take a minute of your time, and there (as always) will not be any need for you to fill in your personal information or any credit card info. I made the survey myself just for the purpose of getting some input on names for the Juice Bar. If you aren't comfortable following a link out to another page, please leave your comment for me below so I can take your opinion into account.
1. Would you Enjoy a juice bar in your doctor's office?
2. Which name to you prefer?
a. Davy's Apple Tree Juice Bar
b. Davy's Apple Tree Juicery
c. Davy's Apple Tree Juice Factory
d. The Apple Tree Juice Bar
e. The Apple Tree Juicery
f. The Apple Tree Juice Factory
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Target Sample Spot
Hey Bloggies, Savers, and Freebie Jeebies!
I just wanted to drop in real quick and name drop a couple of my sites for freebies, samples, and what not.
1. Target Sample Spot:
They almost hide it, keeping it in the "more" section, but here's a quick way to get there.
Everything is always free, and sample size. Check back every day to see what they post and claim yours. They have everything from beauty products to OTC products to household stuff.
2. FreebieShark:
Freebieshark is something I found on Facebook. They post deals in real time as they are available. I don't know how they do it, but if you "Like" them on Facebook you can get updates on freebies. I got a Bali Sports Bra, K-cups, Heel Cream, Essie Nail Polish, and tons more than I can mention. Heres a quick way to get to them Freebieshark
I am sure I have mentioned this before but I mention it again because I noticed that they are still not a massive deal, which shocks me because they are a fave of mine! I joined about 7 months ago. It's kind of like Twitter but for reviews on ORGANIC and ALL NATURAL products. I get a couple of treats a month from Swaggable. I just keep thinking about how there are so many companies now who send out those boxes of samples now, and they charge monthly! Swaggable is free and there are no surveys. I don't know about you, but I burned out on surveys a long time ago. Anyway, be sure to follow me dkaykraft and I will follow you back ;-)
I will always sing their praises. I have been a bzzagent for 8 or 9 months now and I still think they are so much fun! They have the most user friendly website of all of the similar kinds of sites. You just sign up, its totally free, and after a couple of weeks they send you a full size product to try. After you try it, you tell your social media friends what you think of it. They even pay you in "my points" for your trouble. They shipping is free and you never ship anything back. I know. It sounds too good to be true. There are a lot of stupid copy cats out there who charge for membership, or promise samples that never come. Remember the whole reason I run this blog is to tell you how to avoid those scams. So here they are
I am trying Kashi Hummus Crisps now, and just finished a campaign for Concannon Vineyards Wine. Keep checking back for more product reviews and recipes. I try to update often.
So, here you have it. Check them out and come back and tell me about it ;-)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Dana's White Sangria with Concannon Vineyards Chardonnay
I got lucky and found some Concannon Vineyard Chardonnay at my local Winn-Dixie, and it was ON SALE!! That means it's time for Concannon Vineyard white sangria, Dana style. I found a great golden honeydew melon, and some cantaloupe. That's really all you need, but if you want to have some fun, add to it, mango, and star fruit. Not to be overly casual but here's how I do it.
1 large bottle of Concannon Vineyard Chardonnay
1 cup of honeydew melon
1 cup of cantaloupe
1/2 cup of mango
1/2 cup of star fruit
1. Pour your wine into a pitcher with a lid. (The lid matters because sitting out, the wine can take on flavors from the fridge or get a little sour.)
2. add in everything but the ice.
3. Let it sit for a few hours, or even overnight. Strain out the fruit and save for a yummy adult treat later, or throw it out. (sad face)
4. Put some ice in your cup and enjoy!
I wish I had pictures, but don't right now. Also, you will see other recipes online that add sugar, or liquor. I am not into super strong drinks or sugar, so if you like it a little sweeter you can add some sugar or agave.
Kashi Hummus Crisps from

Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Seventh Generation
I'm trying a whole bunch of really fun Seventh Generation products and I love them all. I resolved to go more and more natural in 2013 and adding Seventh Generation products is part of my resolution. This company makes it easy to do and fun. If you want to try products and share your opinions and even coupons with your friends check out
Seventh Generation
Seventh Generation
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Palmolive Soft Touch Dish Liquid
I am now testing Palmolive Soft Touch Dish Liquid, and as a lifelong Dawn user, I have to say, It would be hard to get me to change, but Palmolive is pretty impressive. I remember trying some of their soap a few years ago and not being impressed but they have really improved their product. It cuts through grease, smells great, looks attractive, and doesn't ruin my manicure. I have just started using it, but so far I have to say, I might consider making the switch.
By the way, I got to try it free thanks to and they even sent an extra bottle for a friend. #Influenster
Friday, May 24, 2013
"Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum" Week 3 I can't believe it!
I Bloggettes! I just wanted to check in with a mid-campaign update on my Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum trial. I have to admit, when I started this, I didn't think that there was any such thing as a topical, natural serum that I could simply swipe onto my lashes and they would grow like magic.
Now, having been using it twice a day for three weeks, I have to tell you, THERE IS AN, ALL NATURAL, SERUM THAT YOU CAN SWIPE ON YOUR LASH LINE THAT CAN MAKE YOUR LASHES GROW LIKE MAGIC! Here's a picture of my lashes before
Here is a similar picture three weeks later. Remember, I got to try this free as a product influenster, and you can join in on the fun at no cost to you. I know everyone says that, but this is really just fun, free, and string free.
Well It is time for my newest installment of the my Fysiko Lashes Experience Project! (Hows that for a title?!) I have to say I am blown away by this product. You know I will never endorse a product that I don't think is any good. I admit that I didn't expect this stuff to work and was very pleasantly surprised when, in about two weeks, my lashes had already grown enough that it was noticeable to me and to friends and family. My Nanny has always had the shortest eyelashes and she vowed to buy some Fysiko in order to check "Have eyelashes" off of her bucket list. (Yes she's serious!) There's not much more to say. Check out the progression with this newest picture. (I took it today)
Check out Fysiko Here
Check here for reviews (come on. Who buys anything without checking out the reviews!?)

Saturday, May 11, 2013
Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum

Sunday, April 21, 2013
Campbells Go (TM) Soup I'm sharing the wealth as promised!
Campbells Go (TM) Soup: Thx Campbell's Go(TM) 4 my free #GoSoup! Complete your random story 4 a $1 off coupon *Please remember the FTC requires you to mention that you received a free sample courtesy of Smiley360 when sharing.
This soup sells for a higher price because it's a premium product. So grab the coupon and check it out for yourself. I have tried all of the flavors now and I am a big fan of the coconut chicken.
Why is it unique and worth the price? You never realized that canned soup tastes canned until you have had the fresh pack taste of Campbell's Go. The flavors are downright colorful! The canning process of other soups kind of kills the flavor but with the bags that Campbell's Go comes in, you get the full flavor experience.
This soup sells for a higher price because it's a premium product. So grab the coupon and check it out for yourself. I have tried all of the flavors now and I am a big fan of the coconut chicken.
Why is it unique and worth the price? You never realized that canned soup tastes canned until you have had the fresh pack taste of Campbell's Go. The flavors are downright colorful! The canning process of other soups kind of kills the flavor but with the bags that Campbell's Go comes in, you get the full flavor experience.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Lysol Touch of Foam

Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Old Navy Perfect Tee Free for Me!!

Friday, April 5, 2013
Lysol Touch of Foam Antibacterial Hand Wash: Creamy Vanilla Orchid

Sunday, March 24, 2013
Hi friemds. I am learning to use the Smiley360 resources to share more about my free product trials through smiley360, and coupons that you can use. I know I have some digital coupons to use, but for starters I wanted to share the link to the Children's Mucinex page.
I may be posting more today. We will see ;-)
Thursday, March 21, 2013
This Weeks Freebies by Mail
Get a free Sample of Tom's Wicked Cool Toothpaste has several new product tests coming out and just launched Lysol Touch of Foam, and Children's Claritin.
Free Eucerin Lotion Sample from their facebook page
and stay tuned for more to come. Right now I have to do my homework! lol

Friday, March 15, 2013
My Latest Bzzagent Product trial is: GARNIER FRUCTIS TRIPLE NUTRITION MIRACLE DRY OIL #GotitFree

beauty sample,
fashion trends,
free trial,
hair oil,
hair product,
product testing
Friday, March 8, 2013

Thursday, February 28, 2013
What am I testing this week?
So this week I'm testing and I have a campaign going with Smiley360 for Children's Mucinex, but although I was notified that I would be receiving either a sample or full size product a few weeks ago, it still has not been shipped. I do believe they are legit and will ship it, just takes awhile, however before I put them on my official recommend list, I will wait to get the product. One plus with them is that they give digital coupons to share and we know how much I love coupons ;-)
I just joined It was the second time I have joined, actually. Initially when I signed up, something happened and I was unable to ever get back into my account, so I just rejoined. To get in with these guys you have to go to the site and request an invite. What are they looking for? They want to see that you have some social influence. Do you have Facebook, youtube, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.? I haven't been offered a campaign yet but that's because I'm brand new. I will let you know how it goes. In the mean time, if you have personal experience with either of these sites that you would like to share, please feel free!
In other news
1. I got my full size trial of Garnier Fructis Triple Moisture Miracle Dry Oil. Very exciting! I will have a review posted sometime in the next week or two.
2. I am still testing and LOVING Shick Hydro Silk razor
3. Still Testing Kroger Greek, Greek light, and CarbMaster yogurt
4. Still testing and LOVING Glade Expressions Oil Diffusers and Fragrance Sprays. BTW, THIS ONE IS BY FAR MY FAVE!!!
5. Awaiting more products but we will be moving cross-country this weekend, so I won't be posting for those days. I will miss you invisible, silent readers!
Dont forget to friend me on Facebook! I am adding the button to the blog today!
Dana K

Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Kroger Greek Greek Light and CarbMaster Yogurts FROZEN!
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
I'm a Agent and it's paying off

earn money,
get it free,
no scams,
paid surveys,
product testing,
tax refund,
work from home
Monday, February 18, 2013
25 books you MUST read if you loved the Hunger Games

Sunday, February 17, 2013

drug store coupons,
fashion sample,
free products,
free trial,
garnier fructis free sample,
product testing,
Friday, February 15, 2013
Schick Hydro Silk Razor: Whats so great about it?

Sunday, February 10, 2013
One of my new freebie friends: Freebie Shark
I just recently friended these guys on Facebook. They have a lot to offer and a full staff where this page has only me :-) I recommend friending them on Facebook or Twitter. Several times a day they add deals, coupons, and great freebies! They don't personally give out the freebies. They watch the web and tell you which manufacturers are giving their products away free or sampling.
Kroger CARBmaster milk and yogurt and Kroger Greek and Greek Light yogurt
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Glade Expressions Pineapple & Mangosteen Oil Diffuser and Starlit Evening Fragrance Spray

Sunday, February 3, 2013

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